Natural Treatments for Grover’s Disease Relief You Should Not Ignore

Grover’s Disease Grover's Disease is a form of skin disease that may affect people of any age, although it tends to affect women and younger people, as well as older and middle-aged persons, more often than others. The disease causes frequently itchy skin yet may cause no symptoms whatsoever. Grover's disease can be triggered by bed rest and has a characteristic appearance underneath a microscope. The disease is most likely caused by blocked sweat ducts and can begin rather suddenly, resulting in itchy spots on a person's central back, mid-chest, and on occasion, elsewhere on the person's body. Grover's disease often follows heat stress. Grover's disease is also known as, 'Persistent Acantholytic Dermatosis,' and, 'Transient Acantholytic Dermatosis.' People with more minor cases of the disease may not experience any itching, or a conspicuous rash. The majority of people with Grover's disease who visit a dermatologist experience a great deal ...